Bag of Lilikoi
Bag of Lilikoi

Anything to do with lilikoi has been one of the mostly highly popular topics of this blog. One reader (Kaleo) just sent this recipe for me to try. I’m not able to eat anything like it right now, so I’m passing it on for someone else to try it and let us know how it is. It sounds perfect for those of you who froze your lilikoi juice.



2 cups heavy cream
3 ounces egg yolk, about 4 large egg yolks
¼ cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Some baker’s or bar sugar, the superfine stuff.
3 ice cubes of lilikoi juice


Preheat Oven to 300º F. Use a thermometer to be accurate.
Whisk cream, sugar, egg yolks, lilikoi juice, and vanilla until smooth. Strain through tea strainer to remove egg crud.

Heat mixture to 165° F in saucepan. Transfer to baking bowls. Bake at 300° for exactly 20 minutes. Cool. (Kaleo says the secret is preheating the custard in a sauce pan to exactly 160-165 degrees.)

Sprinkle an even layer of baker’s sugar on top of chilled crème brulé after cooling and caramelize by using a chef’s blowtorch (or a pencil blowtorch available at Radio Shack for about 1/4 the price). Act quickly to ensure that the crème remains chilled and the top is crisp and brown.

Eat at once as this does not keep because the sugar crust will dissolve over time. It is okay to not put the crust on and keep a day or so, then put the crust on when you’re ready to serve.

All I can say is that this sounds absolutely heavenly!

Mahalo plenty, Kaleo!

A hui hou!

5 thoughts on “LILIKOI CRÈME BRULÉ”

  1. Oh, yum!

    I’m copying this recipe and saving it to make possibly for the holidays….

    Mahalo for the tip about using the radio Shack pencil blowtorch! One of the items on my WISH LIST was/is a chef’s blowtorch.

    1. I thought I’d already approved this one, but evidently not! I’ve just finished the last week of school and my mind was mush!! 🙂 Off for a while now and planning to enjoy it! I’ll see you next Sunday!

  2. 😉 As of this past Saturday, I finished with the commitments I had; bridal shower of the week before, the wedding of my friends, all of my Christmas shopping and mailing gifts to the mainland……and now its time for me to have fun….I want to make this recipe for our ‘Nochebuena” the traditional Christmas Eve dinner and will look for the pencil blowtorch this week.
    Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

    1. Be sure to tell me how good it is!! I’m out of lilikoi juice, so I won’t be able to make it until next year. I already have garlic sprouting, and I have a bunch to bring you on Sunday.

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