Clara’s Dilly Bread

Herb Garden

This is a wonderfully fragrant and delicious bread that originated with my mother years ago. “Clara” was a woman in a church where my father was pastor, and she had given this recipe to my mother. This is something I look forward to making now that I have an oven again.

I have added Mother’s comments, some of them seem a bit old-fashioned. Plus she always wrote her recipes out on onion-skin paper, making it extremely difficult to read! I think you can enlarge the picture of the recipe to get an idea of what I had to translate.

This was a staple in my home when I was growing up and she sent this to me when I was a young bride. I had to laugh when I read her last comment about how to eat the loaf! I’d forgotten that.

Mix 1 package dry yeast with ¼ cup warm water.

Add 1 cup creamed cottage cheese OR 1 cup clabbered milk heated to lukewarm, 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 tablespoon minced fresh onion.

Mix in 1 tablespoon butter, 2 teaspoons dill seed, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 unbeaten egg, ¼ teaspoon soda, and 4-5 cups flour (more or less to make the right consistency of bread dough.)

Combine all in a mixing bowl, let rise until double in bulk in warm place (50-60 minutes).

Punch down and put into 2 greased loaf pans, or 1 loaf pan and 1 greased round casserole.

Let rise a bit, then bake in 350 degree oven for 50-60 minutes until done.

Remove from oven and butter tops thoroughly while hot and sprinkle with lots of salt.

This is a lovely bread to give as a gift, or to slice for a party.

The final note on my mother’s recipe: “If the family isn’t around, eat one loaf yourself and save the other until they get home.”  There was never any left over for sandwiches to take to school.

A hui hou!

3 thoughts on “Clara’s Dilly Bread”

  1. I have long been a fan of dill bread and have always used the recipe from Greens restaurant – or, a similar one in Joy of Cooking. Nearly the same as your mothers’ without the admonition to eat the first loaf, which would not be difficult. Saw your post for Blotanical garden blogs and added my own. Check it out at Garden Under Cover Though it won’t help you much, there on your hard rock surface.

    1. I always love your comments, Pamela! I’m sure “Dilly Bread,” as we always called it, has been around a long time. I made myself hungry just writing about it! Am I craving breads??? 🙂 I’ll check out your blog – didn’t know you had one or I would have been reading it before now!

    2. Well, drats! I can’t seem to find you. You aren’t listed as and I couldn’t find you in the Blotanical Garden blogs. Maybe if you could give me more specific directions on how to find you?

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